There are times when I feel extremely frustrated. My brain stops workings and nothing seems to go in my way. In those moments of frustration, everything has a negative approach to me. Everything seems hopeless and I only want to give up on everything.
I am sure I am not the only one who goes through this. Everyone must have felt these strange feelings several times in their lives, but what people don’t know is how to come out of it. When nothing works out, I try to do what calms me down.
There are many things people can do to decrease the stress and frustration level. It is different for every individual. There are several things that I do when I get those strange feelings of frustration. Sharing it with a close friend or person would be the first thing that comes in everyone’s mind. Whenever we are sad or upset or just frustrated about something, if we have someone very close whom we can share it with, that is probably the best thing to calm you down. But many people hesitate to share their problems or whatever that is causing them to be upset or frustrated. In fact many people don’t even have a special person. Someone they think is very close their heart and they can share anything and everything with them. Many people are not blessed like some others are. So what to do when you have don’t have the option of sharing your problems with someone else?
Well, as far as I am concerned, music is the way to go. When I feel frustrated, I go listen to my favorite music. A music that relates to my problems that is causing that frustration. For me, it is mostly sad songs. Sometimes they even make me cry, but after a while, that burden that I was keeping inside goes away. I listen to sad music because that is what I like. I listen to songs where I can relate to the lyrics. For me, listening to music works for me as sharing my problems with a close friend. I feel so much better after listening to music as if I shared my problems with a very close friend. Workout is my second best way to come out of frustration. Whenever I am upset about something or something is really bugging me, I hit the gym right away. Although researchers said that workout lowers your stress level, I never believed it until I felt it myself. Many times I was upset for various reasons. I didn’t know what to do.
One day I was frustrated due to financial problems and I decided to go to gym to see if the researchers are actually correct about their claims. After an hour workout, I realized that it really works. Working out really lowers your stress level. I don’t know how it works, but I definitely know that it works. It is even better when you do a little boxing along with workout. I tried it many times and it always seemed to work out. The best way to take out my anger is workout and boxing.
One last thing that works for me like magic is swimming. Many people would laugh after reading this that how can swimming calm me down when I can’t swim, I should instead frustrate me even further. But this is what you call the magic of swimming. As soon as I jump in to water, I feel like all my worries just eradicated from my life. Thirty minutes in the swimming pool and my body and brain relaxes to a such level that I feel like motivated to do something else. These are three things that help me when I feel frustrated. There must be many other ways for other people. Like I said, every individual has different taste. What works for me might not work for you and what works for you might not work for me. But the bottom line is, there are many things we can do to fight against the stress and frustration we get in our daily lives.
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