Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What is the one thing you learned in your time at Sheridan that you will never forget?

There are so many things to mention that I learned from Sheridan in such a short time, however, since I only have to mention one thing that I learned from Sheridan and will never forget in my life, it has to be finishing things in a short period of time. The most important thing a journalist must have is getting things done in a very short period of time and that is exactly what I learned from this program. I wrote so many stories for Sheridan Sun and also did several videos for Sheridan Sun Online and the time limit for stories was very short. Sometime I only had a day to interview people, transcribe them and then write a report on that. In the beginning it felt terrible, but as the time went by, I got used to it. Now that I am graduating, I am used to it. I can get things done in such short time that before I could never even think that I could do so much stuff in such short time. So in short, there are many things to name that I learned from Sheridan in these two years, however, getting things done in a short period of time is something that I will never forget.

1 comment:

  1. That skill will serve you well Ibad! Good luck with university next year, and in your future career. You're a hard worker and that will show through in everything you do.
